Wednesday, January 21, 2015

PET Scan results...and thoughts

As nice as the Huntsman Cancer Institute is, we are glad it is tucked up by the University of Utah because we never drive past it.  When we aren't there we feel we can live life as normal as possible...

Ash says she knows that her Cancer currently doesn't have a cure, but to live with that daunting thought is too much to think about everyday.  I love that she says she just "puts her Cancer in her pocket and doesn't really think about it until she has to".  She is finding a way to compartmentalize certain parts of her life.  So much of everyday is focused on trying to have her body and mind in the right place to be able to move forward with her diagnosis.  She has changed her diet, sits in a Hyperbaric Chamber  about 5 times a week for 1.5 hours, tries to read good books, and stay as active as possible, she even gives herself these horrible shots that keep her white blood cell count up... all could be small reminders of the cancer, but she is finding away to adapt to her new normal.  I am an impressed husband!
The lonely place on earth

We just finished up with Dr. Sharma and his team.  They shared her results with us and finally after 3 months of bad news, and crappy breaks they said that she is responding very well to the Chemo.  The tumors have started shrinking.  The short term plan is to have 4 more infusions of Chemo and then reassess.

Tasia and Teresa visiting Ash during Chemo
When we walked out of the Doctors office she started to cry...She said she felt so relieved to finally get some good news.  To know that with all the pain and suffering things are moving in the right direction.   We are so new to all of this, but it has been 3 months since she has had encouraging news.  At the same time Ash feels like she shouldn't be too excited, because she will have to deal with the Cancer for the rest of her like, or until the find the cure.  That being said, the goal is to send the cancer into a resting state for as long as possible, and then she will have to resume treatment in some long as it is not spreading she is happy.

Her new moto is "Faith before Fear."  There is so much uncertainty, and fear in life that if you focus on that or live with it, life would be miserable.  Ash is trying to live one day at a time and have faith that this journey she is on is the journey she is suppose to be on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing . A little good news can go a long way.
